Crime Emergency Response Team

Frequently Asked Questions

Where can I report cyber crime in India?

You can report a cyber crime by

  1. filing a complaint in nearest/any Cyber cell,
  2. lodging an FIR in a police station.
  3. filing a complaint a thttps://cyber

How can I complain about cyber crime?

You can complaint about a cyber crime by

  1. Writing a letter addressing the head of the cyber crime cell you’re making the complaint to. Provide all the necessary details such as a brief of the events of the offence, details of victim and abuser (if available).
  2. Certain cyber offences are penalized under IPC. Hence, the complaints or FIR can also be filed in your nearest police station. The said police station will take actions for the crimes enlisted under IPC and will forward other complaints to a cyber cell.
  3. In the case of cognizable offence (where a warrant is not required for arrest), one can also file a ZERO FIR.

How do I report cyber crime online?

You can report a cyber crime at the online portal https://cyber, initiated by the Government of India.

Can I file an FIR online?

Yes, you can file an FIR online. It is mandatory under Section 154, Code of Criminal Procedure, for every police officer to record the information/complaint of an offense, irrespective of the jurisdiction in which the crime was committed.

What are the various categories of cyber crimes?

Following are the three categories of cyber crime:

  1. Against People – includes cyber harassment and stalking, distribution of child pornography, credit card fraud, human trafficking, spoofing, identity theft, and online libel or slander.’
  2. Against Property – includes DDOS attacks, hacking, virus transmission, cyber and typosquatting, computer vandalism, copyright infringement, and IPR violations.
  3. Crimes Against Government – When a cyber crime is committed against the government, it is considered an attack on that nation’s sovereignty and may include hacking, accessing confidential information, cyber warfare, cyber terrorism, and pirated software.

What is Cyber-Protection?

Cyber-protection can be defined as the practice of defending computers, servers, mobile devices, electronic systems, networks, and data against such malicious attacks.

What is Cyber Safety?

Practicing safe and responsible use of Information Communication Technology can be termed as cyber safety.

What is the punishment for cyber crime in India?